praisehauler 2023-10-15 19:31

Nothing on FB so I came here. praisehauler, Long Island

praisehauler 2023-10-15 19:49

There are no other cuurches. I haven't walked into a church building since before Easter 2020.

praisehauler 2023-10-15 20:27

There's no fruit in fainting and laying on the carpet of the church. Maybe following Rodney Howard Brown in that is off since no disciple nor Jesus Himself operated that way. Ever. *Don't be offended. Just examine the scriptures.

praisehauler 2023-10-15 21:18

I could come to you with the Word and show you the only time people "fell out" were the Romans who got up the same as they went down, no different than "Christians" on the carpets of the churches. You won't likely accept that tho. Sadly, but so be it. I realize about half the last days Church according to the parable of the ten virgins, gets in. What I'm saying is, people fainting like being in the presence of the Beatles is not something to be worshipful about.

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